
Getting Answers to Your NCAA Questions

As an organization that helps athletes and families with the recruiting process, we get a fair share of questions about dealing with the NCAA. The most important thing to understand about the NCAA is that it is designed to serve the universities and not the general public. This means they are there to answer questions […]

The Difference in Recruiting for a Five Star and No Star Recruit

If you are basing your expectations of the recruiting process on what you see happening to the biggest recruits in your sport, you are setting up for disappointment. The difference between a 5-star recruit and a no-star recruit is a lot more than five stars. This doesn’t mean you can’t get recruited or that you […]

The Questions You Need Answered From Each School on Your List

There are literally hundreds of questions you could ask college coaches. The more you learn about the recruiting process and scholarships, your list of questions grow. Whether you are just getting started with recruiting or have been communicating with coaches for several months, below is a set of basic questions you need to have answers […]

Writing a Subject Line for Your Emails to College Coaches

Before you can get a coach to read and respond to your email, you need to get them to open it. You might have a perfect personalized email with a link to your online profile and video but if your subject line looks generic or uninteresting, they might skip right over it. There is no […]

Common Traits of Successful Recruits

For over 10 years we have been helping athletes and families find scholarship opportunities by utilizing online recruiting tools. Over that time we have spoken with all types of recruits and seen amazing results, both positive and negative. We’ve seen top DI talent end up without a team to play for and athletes get scholarships […]

Going from Junior College, to DII Walk-On to Changing Sports and on a Scholarship

In high school, I was never a good enough athlete to catch a coach’s attention based on my athletic achievements. At the time, I thought this was because I wasn’t good enough to be a college athlete, but now realize it was because I didn’t know how the recruiting process worked. I ran cross country […]

When It Is Okay to Ask a Coach About a Scholarship

Too many athletes I speak with and whose emails I read are asking coaches about scholarships in the first few emails or phone calls. The only thing this is going to get you, is ignored from that coach. Coaches know athletes want a scholarship, but they also know they only have a limited number to […]

A Coach Contacted Me and Now Won’t Respond

One of the most difficult things to do is get college coaches to notice you and begin recruiting you. That’s why when you get your first letters from coaches you get so excited and you should be. But what happens often times is an athlete responds to the coaches, fills out a recruiting questionnaire and […]

Lessons From Athletes Who Transfer Colleges

The rate of athletes transferring colleges is growing every year. I get a lot of questions from recruits and parents about what their options are and many times, athletes have no choice but to lose a year of eligibility. This article is for athletes and parents of athletes who are trying to identify the right […]

September 1st and the NCAA Recruiting Calendar

September 1st is considered a big day in recruiting because it signifies important dates for when NCAA DI schools can begin contacting senior recruits. It’s important to understand what rules change September 1, but more important is understanding the NCAA Recruiting Calendar and how you can take advantage of the rules to get ahead in […]

Gain Exposure. Get Recruited.

Find opportunities for athletic scholarships and get connected to college coaches.