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A Decade On, APR is Showing Its Age

On April 19, 2004, the NCAA Division I Management Council adopted Proposal 2003–112. That proposal had the following intent: To establish a program, with appropriate measurements of academic performance, that rewards those institutions and teams that demonstrate commitment toward the academic progress, retention and graduation of student-athletes and penalizes those that fail to demonstrate such […]

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Is Poaching To Blame For the High Number of Basketball Transfers?

Dan Hinxman of the Reno Gazette-Journal, quoting Nevada athletic director Doug Knuth: “The big-time schools have gotten so big, the pressure on them to win is so big that if they have a student-athlete leave early for some reason — they go pro or whatever the issue is — and they’ve got to fill a […]

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To Fight Unions, Conferences Should Adopt Union Demands

In this article for SB Nation by Kevin Tranhan exploring the possibility that Northwestern football players vote against the union, Tranhan notes that the issue has already spread past one university: However, Huma said he has been contacted by players at other schools who are interested in unionizing, and players at schools like Georgia, Georgia […]

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Georgia Swimming Allegations Offer First Glimpse into New Enforcement Program

Chip Towers of the Atlanta Journal-Constitution: In the NCAA’s Notice of Allegation — received by the university Wednesday and released to the public Friday — [Georgia head swimming and diving coach Jack] Bauerle is accused of “severe breach of conduct by a coach” and “providing extra benefits.” Georgia reacted by suspending its 35-year coach from […]

Autonomy Request Includes Some Expansive, Foundational Bylaws

Earlier this week, Dennis Dodd of CBS Sports reported on a document which outlined which rules the power conferences want set aside for autonomous decision making. The request starts with well-worn territory: cost-of-attendance scholarships, lifetime education grants, and providing more food to athletes. It moves onto things like reducing time demands on athletes, limiting staff […]

Union Decision One More Push of the NCAA Off Its Fence

Today’s victory for the College Athletes Players Association in front of Chicago’s regional labor relations board will take a long time before it becomes final. It will likely end either in the Supreme Court or the halls of Congress. It is still a coin-toss about how it ends up, with an appeal upcoming to the […]

Posted in Bylaw Blog, Bylaws

NCAA Steering Committee Adds Details to Governance Overhaul

The steering committee focused on creating a new Division I governance model released a number of key details that are being considered before the April 24th Board of Directors meeting where the board hopes to forward the model to the membership. The new additions flesh out key questions like the representation of student-athletes on the […]

Death to the At-Large Bid

In three weeks an era will end for many college sports fans. There is plenty of NCAA competition left after the Division I Men’s Basketball tournament is over, but for a large chunk of casual fans, the end of the tournament marks the end of the college sports season until football starts again in August. […]

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No Saving the Spring Game

All over the country coaches are doing away with spring games. Texas A&M was forced to by renovations to Kyle Field. But Oklahoma State and Pitt did so voluntarily. This is becoming a trend and it will likely be a terminal one for this annual spring tradition. The thing about a spring game is that […]

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Many Reasons to Move the College Basketball Season, But Not Academics

Jon Solomon of has the latest in the annual cycle of articles asking whether the NCAA should move the college basketball season to the spring. The idea has support from a growing number of influential people in college sports including Basketball Hall of Famer C.M. Newton and former NCAA executive Greg Shaheen. Solomon’s article […]

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