Bylaw Blog

Hard to Find Evidence of One-and-Done Academics in NCAA Numbers

Brad Wolverton of the Chronicle of Higher Education on Kentucky’s trend of “one-and-done” basketball players: It turns out, the team’s NCAA Graduation Success Rate has improved sharply in recent years, to more than 80 percent (it was 44 percent a few years ago). And in the past two years, its NCAA Academic Progress Rate, which […]

Georgia Swimming Allegations Offer First Glimpse into New Enforcement Program

Chip Towers of the Atlanta Journal-Constitution: In the NCAA’s Notice of Allegation — received by the university Wednesday and released to the public Friday — [Georgia head swimming and diving coach Jack] Bauerle is accused of “severe breach of conduct by a coach” and “providing extra benefits.” Georgia reacted by suspending its 35-year coach from […]

Autonomy Request Includes Some Expansive, Foundational Bylaws

Earlier this week, Dennis Dodd of CBS Sports reported on a document which outlined which rules the power conferences want set aside for autonomous decision making. The request starts with well-worn territory: cost-of-attendance scholarships, lifetime education grants, and providing more food to athletes. It moves onto things like reducing time demands on athletes, limiting staff […]

San Jose Men’s Basketball Facing APR Postseason Ban

Jimmy Durkin of the San Jose Mercury News on San Jose State’s announcement that it expects Academic Progress Rate sanctions on the men’s basketball team in 2014–15: “Last year, we were faced with a situation that needed to be dealt with in a major fashion,” athletic director Gene Bleymaier said in a release, referencing the […]

Former USC Football Player Fighting for Walk-Ons

Bruce Feldman of CBS Sports, interviewing Tim Lavin, a former Southern California football player about walk-on issues: The Inclusion Petition I have put forth will inform American sports fans and media of where we really are today and what we must do for basic fairness and the true protection and sincere well-being of all student-athletes. […]

Missouri Releases 2013 Secondary Violations

Blake Toppmeyer of the Columbia Tribune on the NCAA violations Missouri reported in 2013: Of the 37 violations, 24 were violations to NCAA recruiting bylaws. Names of coaches, athletes or prospective student-athletes were not included in the released documents. There were four reported Level I violations, which the NCAA considers the most egregious. This could […]

UNLV Needs Good APR Score in 2012-13 to Avoid Bowl Ban

Taylor Bern of the Las Vegas Sun: On Tuesday, [UNLV athletic director Tina] Kunzer-Murphy shared the following statement: “We are engaged in the APR process ahead of the June release by the NCAA. It’s an on-going process and there is nothing definitive to report at this point. We will have no further comment until the […]

Tennessee Bill to Pay Athletes After Graduation Fails in Committee

Chris Bundgaard of WKRN, the ABC affiliate in Nashville: A bill paying graduating college athletes with what could be a $50,000 post-graduation grant won’t be considered this year by Tennessee lawmakers. It failed late Wednesday by the narrowest of margins in the Senate Education Committee. “We have an opportunity to lead,” lead sponsor Rep. Antonio […]

Union Decision One More Push of the NCAA Off Its Fence

Today’s victory for the College Athletes Players Association in front of Chicago’s regional labor relations board will take a long time before it becomes final. It will likely end either in the Supreme Court or the halls of Congress. It is still a coin-toss about how it ends up, with an appeal upcoming to the […]

Posted in Bylaw Blog, Bylaws

NCAA Steering Committee Adds Details to Governance Overhaul

The steering committee focused on creating a new Division I governance model released a number of key details that are being considered before the April 24th Board of Directors meeting where the board hopes to forward the model to the membership. The new additions flesh out key questions like the representation of student-athletes on the […]

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