Bylaw Blog

Two Oregon Players Suspended for Selling Team Apparel

Two key members of Oregon’s men’s basketball team did not travel to Korea for the season opening game against Georgetown and may miss up to 12 games. Sophomores Dominic Artis and Ben Carter are suspended indefinitely while they wait reinstatement by the NCAA for violations involving the sale of team apparel. The NCAA has not […]

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NC State Investigation Reveals Little Actionable Info for the NCAA

WRAL, the CBS affiliate in Raleigh, NC released the results of a three-month long investigation detailing continued contact between disassociated NC State booster Eric Leak and NC State student-athletes. The investigation found that despite being disassociated following violations involving CJ Leslie and another NC State basketball student-athlete, Leak continued to have contact with Leslie and […]

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Aid Spending Illustrates Gap to FBS

Just how big is FBS football? One quick way to illustrate the impact of an FBS football program on an athletic department is to look at scholarship spending. Winthrop Intelligence looked at what schools are spending on average athletic aid per athlete in each of Division I’s three subdivisions and overall (numbers from 2011–12): FBS: […]

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Help for College Soccer Well Within NCAA’s Reach

For all the talk about shifting the focus to help future pros in college football and basketball, college soccer is the one place where there is a real dilemma about it. Right now the NBA and NFL have no plans coming in the near future that would displace the NCAA as the best route for […]

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Basketball Coaches May Lose April Recruiting Weekend Some Years

Amidst all the commotion about governance reform and football recruiting changes, basketball has been left out of most of the talk during the series of fall meetings the various Division I leadership groups have held over the past week. But one small but still potentially significant change for both men’s and women’s basketball was slipped […]

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NCAA Draft Rules Should Allow Room for the Best Decisions

When it comes to the NCAA’s relationship with professional leagues, many of the problems are thrust upon it. Were it not for age limits and the lack of developmentally-focused minor leagues, the contention that the NCAA is just one path of many for prospects to get the pros would have more weight. But some problems […]

Leadership Council Proposes Only Small Governance Changes

After seeing what coaches had to say about possible governance changes, athletic directors who had been some of the most vocal drivers for major reform might have been expected to some up with something equally groundbreaking. But the NCAA Division I Leadership Council, which has the most ADs of any group in Division I, followed […]

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Coaches Associations Propose More Teams and Scholarships

Tomorrow presidents of Division I institutions will hear a series of proposals from different stakeholder groups in Division I. What athletic directors, compliance professionals, and faculty might want is fairly easy to guess. Brad Wolverton of the Chronicle of Higher Education has the scoop on what one of the more interesting presentations will contain: the […]

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Length of Investigation Cost NCAA As Much As Intervening Events in Miami Case

Sports Illustrated’s Stuart Mandel wrote about the Miami decision and how events during the case changed public perception of the NCAA as a whole: The Jerry Sandusky/Penn State child abuse revelations, which reset the bar considerably as to what constitutes a “scandal” in college athletics The Ed O’Bannon v. the NCAA case and the increased […]

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NCAA Hints At New Stance on Abuse and Mental Health in Waiver Decisions

It will be hard for the NCAA to completely escape the subjectivity of waivers. A waiver means giving an athlete an exception to a rule. It means deciding that an athlete’s situation does not fit a rule that should apply to everyone. That normally requires taking into account subjective details while also making what was […]

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