Bylaw Blog

NCAA Releases Abridged Division I Manuals

Counting everything, including the table of contents, the index, and extra bits about how to use the book and LSDBi, the NCAA Division I Manual is about 400 pages. The version the NCAA prints on paper is about 320 pages, since some bylaws are left out. But how much of that actually applies to a […]

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Drake Group Proposes Sweeping Federal Regulation of NCAA

If the Drake Group, one of a few groups who push for NCAA reform from the academic side, has its way, the federal government could become heavily involved in the regulation of the association. The group is drafting a wide-ranging law which would transform college athletics, possibly more so than even a complete victory by […]

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CCU Report Details Extra Benefit Violations

Coastal Carolina’s head men’s golf coach Allen Terrell resigned abruptly in August after NCAA violations were detailed in a report to the NCAA. The violations involved extra benefits provided to a prospect before he enrolled at CCU: The most significant of those infractions were that Terrell gave a former student-athlete five private lessons during his […]

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Confusion Over Stipends Could Be Disastrous for NCAA

When people who do not work in college athletics get things wrong about the NCAA, it is significant, but not that damaging. There are plenty of age old misunderstandings about NCAA rules, like athletes being limited in how much they can earn in a job, that would be better if they were cleared up. But […]

NCAA Takes Another Crack at Recruiting Deregulation

Three of the four major recruiting proposals which were not adopted last yeaed form. The Rules Working Group (not the new committee/task force/working group, the old one) has taken some sports out and not removed all restrictions on some activities, just made those restrictions much simpler. First, the one proposal which was not even adopted […]

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Alabama Case Reveals Impossibility of Avoiding Conflicts

Brent Schrotenboer of USA Today details the connections between NCAA President Mark Emmert and Alabama head coach Nick Saban. Those connections put the NCAA in a tough position given the investigations into two cases of Alabama football players allegedly receiving extra benefits from agents or individuals connected to agents: [Stephen] Miller, the attorney, said the […]

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Leadership Council Proposes Tighter Football Recruiting Rules, Summer Access

This spring, when major recruiting deregulation proposals were defeated at least partially due to the objections of football coaches and BCS conference leaders, there might have been a thought that it could still get done. Maybe not go quite as far and football would be on board, which would possibly get the proposals over the […]

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Higher Education Act Changes Could Have Big Impact on Athletics

Reverend Michael J. Garanzini, president of Loyola University of Chicago, has an editorial in the Chronicle of Higher Education today about the upcoming reauthorization of the Higher Education Act of 1965. That federal law covers most of the financial aid provided by the federal government and is the backbone of federal regulation of higher education. […]

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Clinton-Dix Loan May Not Have Been Necessary

Alabama’s Ha Ha Clinton-Dix was suspended for a violation of team rules according to Alabama head coach Nick Sa ban on Wednesday. But Thursday, multiple outlets including the Tuscaloosa News reported that the violation was one of not just team but NCAA rules. Clinton-Dix received a small loan from Corey Harris, an assistant strength and […]

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Conference Commissioners are Not NCAA Officials

NCAA governance is confusing, no one disputes that. Part of the blame lies with the NCAA. Running a management company with $800 million in revenue overseeing a multi-billion industry with the same system used to decide if a condo owner can put up a satellite dish is bound to lead to weirdness. But this is […]

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