Bylaw Blog

Iowa State Waiting on Resolution to Text Messaging Case

Long NCAA investigations are nothing new. But at this point, text messaging and phone call violations are more or less an exact science. The penalties are clear, the process is understood, and most times the cases are handled relatively quickly compared to less common or more complex violations. Not so for Iowa State: “I’m numb,” […]

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DII West Texas A&M Coach Fired Over Unethical Conduct Violation

Division II West Texas A&M, home to the largest collection of artificial fields in North America has fired their all-time winningest football coach, Don Carthel on the eve of the season: WT learned of a NCAA violation. The university would not specify about the specific incident in violation but did tell NewsChannel 10 it was […]

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FSU’s Glauser To Sue NCAA for Final Season of Eligibility

Daniel Glauser, a former member of the Florida State football team, is planning to sue the NCAA for his final season of eligibility. Glauser lost that season under the old version of the delayed enrollment rule that initially tripped up Steven Rhodes, although Glauser’s argument for relief was not nearly as strong: Glauser was denied […]

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Legislative Agenda Short for DII and DIII

Division I will have a short-and-sweet legislative agenda over the next year unless the Rules Working Group rolls out some big changes. Divisions II and III will be equally so except for some major academic changes at the DII level. Division III’s proposed legislation for this year centers around the same health and safety package […]

Aussie Rules Football Shows Pointlessness of NCAA Draft Deadline

Jeff Eisenberg of Yahoo! Sports has a story about an emerging trend in life after college basketball for some players: Aussie rules football. It seems Australia simply cannot produce enough “ruckmen”, players 6’6″ or higher who can win the jump balls that restart play and catch kicks. In response the Australian Football League (AFL) has […]

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Desmond Harrison Caught in BYU/Texas Squabble

When the NCAA’s academic eligibility rules are criticized, the central point is often that one school should not be deciding or restricting the academic policies or decisions of another. Most of the time this is in a general sense, about who can practice or be on the field. But in the case of Desmond Harrison, […]

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NCAA Explains Limits of Missed Term Exception

The NCAA released an excellent Educational Column on the missed term exception. That exception helps athletes stay eligible when they miss a term by prorating the 18-hour rule by 9 hours per term of attendance. Put another way, the athlete gets nine “phantom credits” that are applied to the requirement that athletes must earn 18 […]

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MTSU Looking to Help More Athletes Than Just Rhodes

The Daily News Journal in Murfeesboro, TN is reporting that Middle Tennessee State is not simply trying to get former Marine Steven Rhodes eligible for the 2013 season. The school is trying to change NCAA policy: MTSU submitted its latest appeal on Sunday afternoon. Its three paths to gain Rhodes’ eligibility include: (1) Get the […]

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Legislative Oversight Leads to Eligibility Issues for MTSU’s Rhodes

Right now, the narrative is that Steven Rhodes, a former Marine who is a member of Middle Tennessee State’s football team, is being screwed by the NCAA. Rhodes participated in a military rec league, which as everyone correctly reports, triggered the NCAA’s delayed enrollment rule, Bylaw But why he triggered that bylaw is the […]

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Lacrosse Player’s Business Not Banned by the NCAA

Andrew Duffy, an incoming freshman lacrosse player at SUNY-Cortland, was advised by his college coaches to stop operating a lacrosse stick stringing business he was running. Duffy attributed his decision to go along with their advice to the ongoing Johnny Manziel saga. That in itself is noteworthy, that the Manziel cases has spooked coaches as […]

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