Bylaw Blog

More Work to Be Done With Written Scholarship Offers

In 2010, the NCAA adopted Proposal 2009–47-B. 2009–47-B grew out of, obviously, 2009–47-A which started as a football only proposal. The new rule covered written scholarship offers, and prohibited providing them prior to August 1 of a prospect’s senior year in high school. This was the rationale: Over the years, a culture has developed in […]

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Johnny Manziel and the Olympic Model

When the Summer of Johnny Football was about Johnny Manziel’s personal behavior, talk of lasting implications was mostly confined to self-righteous columns about “kids these days”. Now that possible NCAA violations have been added to the mix, those questions are coming thick and fast. Yahoo! Sports’ Dan Wetzel sees the natural evolution to the “open […]

Kentan Facey Facing Redshirt, Loss of Two Seasons of Competition

According to UConn head men’s basketball coach Kevin Ollie and the Hartford Courant, my initial hunch about Kentan Facey was correct. Because of Jamaica’s British-style education system, he may have graduated from high school before he moved to Long Island: “There are some eligibility issues with his coming over from Jamaica and going to Long […]

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Alaska-Fairbanks Investigation Drags On

Division II Alaska-Fairbanks self-reported their academic eligibility violation over two years ago. It looks to be a standard violation seen at a number of Division II and smaller Division I institutions in recent history. Inadequate compliance and advising resources and training resulted in a large number of athletes being allowed to compete while academically ineligible. […]

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Connecticut Freshman Facing "International" Eligibility Question

Incoming Connecticut men’s basketball player Kentan Facey is facing questions about his eligibility. Details are slim, but this much is known: Apparently, Kentan Facey’s eligibility has come into question due to an issue that’s been labeled by multiple sources as “international.” The problem doesn’t appear to have anything to do with Facey’s academics or the […]

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Sumlin Not On The Hook For Manziel Autographs

One question I've received a few times since the story broke about Johnny Manziel allegedly signing autographs for money is whether this could impact Texas A&M head coach Kevin Sumlin. Specifically, does the new head coach responsibility bylaw mean Sumlin could be facing his own penalties if his star quarterback is found to be guilty […]

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NCAA Has Holes to Fill with Manziel Accusations

ESPN’s report that Johnny Manziel may have received tens of thousands of dollars in exchange for signing autographs has enough details to be concerning, but not enough to be an open and shut case. Multiple sources who claim to know of a arrangement say it happened, but not Drew Tieman, the autograph broker himself. If […]

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Little NCAA Changes to Go With Big Ones

Today, August 1, 2013, most of the proposals which made it out of the first round of Rules Working Group deregulation become effective. That includes changes like removing the limit on off-campus recruiters at any one time, allowing expanded academic and professional development expenses for athletes, and the new head coach responsibility bylaw with its […]

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Eddie Vanderdoes and the Future of the NLI

Reports are starting to filter out of UCLA that Eddie Vanderdoes, who signed with Notre Dame before changing his mind and heading to UCLA, won a release from his NLI on his second and final appeal. That would mean Vanderdoes would not have to sit out this season and would not be charged a season […]

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Al Golden Wants NCAA Compliance Officers on Every Campus

Miami head football Al Golden is not the first person to recommend the NCAA put its own employees on all Division I or FBS campuses. But his logic is unique to this point: “You’ll find then that there’s a lot of coaches that want to coach life skills, want to teach leadership, want to teach […]

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