Bylaw Blog

The First Change the NCAA Should Make to July Recruiting

For something that seems to work so well and that coaches were so desperate to keep alive, there sure are a lot of complaints about the July evaluation periods. Complaining about recruiting calendars and rules is nothing new, but complaints about men’s basketball recruiting in July are constant and varied. This year was no different, […]

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Stanford’s David Shaw Gets All Twisted on Stipend Issue

At Pac-12 Media Days in Los Angeles, Stanford head football coach David Shaw was asked about “stipends”. Stipends is in quotes because even after Shaw spoke passionately against “stipends”, I’m still not sure what he is for or against: “If the NCAA does pass this rule, we will comply, but my big comment is we’re […]

Watch for Changes to July Recruiting in 2015

With the 2013 July men's basketball recruiting period in the books, I can say with confidence that the July 2015 men's basketball recruiting period will look significantly different. It might happen in 2016, but it will happen. I have no insider information or any source with any knowledge of any situation. I have not obtained […]

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Little NCAA Role in Biogenesis Scandal

This is certainly the type of lede that will get people all worked up about about a hot new college sports scandal: Athletes in the NCAA, tennis, boxing and MMA also received drugs from Bosch, according to Fischer. But do not expect this to reverberate too much through college athletics. The big NCAA penalties, losing […]

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Basketball Conferences Make Best Partners for Power 5

After some early week fireworks from the commissioners for the Big 12, SEC, and ACC, the Big Ten’s Jim Delany and Pac-12’s Larry Scott have cooled talk of a potential new NCAA division or complete breakaway from the association. The latter portion of the week has seen more focus back on the issues that would […]

Posted in Bylaw Blog, Bylaws

NCAA Eligibility Center Starts Test Score Validation Process

Anyone who has followed college basketball since 2008 has a rough idea about what happened with Memphis and Derrick Rose. Memphis was forced to vacate its runner-up appearance in the NCAA tournament after Rose’s SAT score that he needed to qualify was invalidated. The Committee on Infractions made life even more difficult for themselves and […]

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What Sports Would Division X Sponsor?

Yesterday I looked at the impact of a suggestion by North Carolina athletic director Bubba Cunningham that members of a new NCAA division (Division X as I'm calling it) should have to sponsor 24 sports, well above the current Division I minimum. That lead to research into the sport offerings at all 65 schools that […]

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How A 24-Sport Minimum Would Impact the Power 5 Conferences

In all the discussion yesterday about a new division1, only one unique idea was actually tossed out. In what almost looks like a throwaway comment captured by Dan Wolken at ACC Media Days, North Carolina athletic director Bubba Cunningham suggested that teams in Division X should have a higher minimum number of sports. And not […]

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Calculating Phillip Sims's DII Eligibility

Former Virginia and Alabama quarterback Phillip Sims is zeroing in on his next destination. Sims transferred from Alabama due to lack of playing time. He then left Virginia in June while academically ineligible. Sims is now narrowing his transfer destination down, and the finalists are a mix of FBS and Division II schools. Division II […]

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Has Perception of the NLI Gotten Even Worse?

Like many NCAA rules and programs, it would be hard to call the National Letter of Intent “popular”. There may be a silent majority which likes the NLI or at least tolerates it. But the public commentary about the NLI is generally pretty negative. For a long while, that negativity was situational. Popular opinion seemed […]

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