Bylaw Blog

Ole Miss Waiver Looks Like a Can of Worms

I’m normally not quick to label one NCAA decision on a waiver or eligibility case as a “Pandora’s Box”. But I have to believe that football coaches around the country are looking at the waiver granted to Ole Miss and licking their chops: Ole Miss quarterback Bo Wallace, who missed spring drills due to should […]

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NCAA Considers Change to Accounting for Student Fees

Steve Berkowitz has the story about a proposed NCAA accounting change which would have a big impact on the narrative about athletic department finances: Under one proposed change, student fees might no longer be treated only as subsidy, but also as revenue generated by the athletics department. That could make it easier for some athletics […]

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Wes Lunt: "I Didn't Understand the Process"

In comments to an Illinois radio station picked up by ESPN’s David Ubben, Wes Lunt revealed that Mike Gundy had granted permission to contact many of the schools the Oklahoma State head coach had initially denied when Lunt asked to transfer. This appears to be the pattern, where the coach goes as far as he […]

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Spring Football Season is a Great Idea No One Wants

I’m not sure exactly how serious Tony Gerdeman is with his idea for a second season of junior varsity spring football. On the one hand, I would like to give him credit for thinking through the idea in a fairly complete way. On the other hand, taking the article seriously means taking this seriously: If […]

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Iowa Suffers NCAA Violation for Misuse of URL

A good comprehensive audit turns up all sorts of stuff. A good NCAA compliance compliance audit turns that up to 11. Among the violations which Iowa discovered as part of a compliance audit was this gem: The compliance audit from 2010 through December 2012 found the university’s use of a URL address constituted a logo […]

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AD Council A Small Example of Why Emmert's NCAA is Disliked

On its face, a small council of athletic directors which advises the NCAA president and senior staff sounds like an idea with zero downside. It is such a small gesture that it would almost seem to be immune from possible criticism. And it addresses what many see as a long standing NCAA issue. But despite […]

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Lay Off Laying Off the NCAA

Kevin Beane of Sports Central has the right idea about NCAA criticism, but falls into many of the same traps as the critics: The piece [about the WCC golfer car-washing incident] goes on predictably to excoriate the NCAA, in a style reminiscent of Yahoo commenters who will blame everything from tornadoes to "Breaking Bad" ending […]

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Head Coach Responsibility A Potential Gamechanger

It was the best of times and the worst of times. About the same time that Sports Illustrated was publishing a story about the NCAA enforcement staff’s turnover and low morale, an entirely different scene was playing out in a hotel ballroom in Orlando. There a panel which included Tom Hosty of that same NCAA […]

Posted in Bylaw Blog, Bylaws

Unpacking a Confusing Eligibility Article

Now is the time of year when the attention of beat writers and bloggers turns to the eligibility of incoming freshmen prospects. This is a representative example, talking about incoming Florida men's basketball prospect Chris Walker. There is one point though that could use some clarification, specifically as it relates to Walker. “He’s improved each […]

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"Student-Athletes: They're Just Like Us!"

Part of the NCAA’s mission is embodied in the idea that student-athletes, to the greatest extent possible, should be treated just like other students. The cases where student-athletes are treated better than other students are well understood as extra benefit violations. But critics of the NCAA will often point to instances where NCAA rules cause […]

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