Bylaw Blog

Full-Time Legislature Only Option if Presidents Are Out

College presidents appear to have reached the “be careful what you wish for” stage in their control of college athletics. Outgoing North Carolina-Chapel Hill chancellor Holden Thorp has suggested that presidents are ill-equipped to control college athletics. And more direct presidential control through the Presidential Retreat and working groups that have been governing the NCAA […]

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Change to Start of Men’s Basketball Practice Approved

The Division I Legislative Council has not had much to do over the last year or so as the Presidential Retreat agenda has taken over. No new proposals were submitted for the 2012-13 legislative cycle, at the request of the Board of Directors. But the abrupt halt to the 2011-12 legislative calendar meant the Legislative […]

Slow Adoption of Multiyear Scholarships is Good News

The initial reaction to the news from Brad Wolverton and Jonah Newman that multi-year scholarships are slowly catching on amongst public BCS schools is likely to be negative. This was supposed to be a landmark moment in the push for greater student-athlete protections. But with just the option, not the mandate, for longer scholarships, their […]

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IMG Moves Into Fundraising

IMG College’s long, slow takeover of college athletic departments moved into a new phase a couple days ago when Sports Business Journal reported that Damon Evans, the former Georgia AD, will be tapped to start up the company’s fundraising group. Like sponsorships and ticket sales, IMG will assist schools with fundraising and may ultimately take […]

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Kelly No-Show at Hearing Would Help Ducks

Chip Kelly Can Still Help Oregon With the failure of Oregon and the NCAA enforcement staff to come to a summary disposition agreement that satisfied the Committee on Infractions, the Ducks are headed for a hearing. That raises the question of whether former Oregon, now Philadelphia Eagles head coach Chip Kelly will come to the […]

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Oregon Missed Out on Favorable Ruling

Oregon Missed Out on Favorable Ruling First things first, the document drop which Oregon released yesterday is not huge news. The documents mostly add additional detail to Charles Robinson’s report from December that the Committee on Infractions refused to accept the summary disposition agreement between Oregon and the NCAA enforcement staff. Robinson had reported that […]

NCAA Wins Battle of Words Thanks to Lower Bar

“Egregious”. “Meritless”. “Reckless”. “Offensive.” Those are just a few of the words tossed back and forth between the NCAA’s enforcement staff and the University of Miami in their opposing briefs regarding Miami’s motion to dismiss its infractions case. If it was not clear that lines have been drawn and that neither side intends to back […]

What is Going on at SD School of Mines?

Accusations by a former coach that the administration was out to get the coach are nothing new. Accusations that minor NCAA violations were blown up from molehills to mountains to justify firing the coach are also not uncommon. But these accusations from a current coach are rare: “He’s tried to push me out from the […]

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NYC Prospects Considering Junior College More

Mitch Abramson of the New York Daily News has an excellent look at how junior college is replacing prep school as the destination of choice for New York City’s prospects who need extra academic work before heading to Division I: “It’s becoming progressively tougher (to qualify for four-year schools), and because of that, the junior […]

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Enforcement Departure No Big Deal

Given the current climate surrounding the NCAA’s enforcement staff, it is no great surprise that a lot of attention was paid to what is normally a non-event: a staff member of a regulatory agency moving into the private sector. Dave Didion, a director of enforcement for the NCAA, finished his 14-year tenure with the association […]

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