Bylaw Blog

BCS Begins Staffing Up

The BCS (or whatever it will soon be called) has announced they have Reid Sigmon, Senior Associate AD and Chief Operating Officer for Kansas State Athletics, as Chief Financial Officer. This is in addition to Bill Hancock as executive director (longtime mouthpiece for the BCS) and Michael Kelly, formerly Senior Associate Commissioner of the ACC […]

Posted in Bylaw Blog, Headlines

Clemson Details Track and Field Violations

Clemson University released details about the violations which lead to the resignation of track and field director Lawrence Johnson. Clemson is waiting for the NCAA to finish its own investigation, but has argued in its self-report that the violations were secondary. The violations included: Allowing a student-athlete who had exhausted his eligibility to compete in […]

Two Reasons There Will Always Be An NCAA

Dennis Dodd’s piece about the concentration of power quotes a number of people about the imminent fall, including this gem: “I’d get rid of the NCAA,” said powerful attorney Alan Milstein, who once represented Maurice Clarett at the height of his scandal involving Ohio State. “I believe the NCAA is an anti-trust conspiracy. I think […]

Three Things You Didn’t Know About the NLI

Wednesday is Signing Day. On Signing Day, thousands of prospects will sign the National Letter of Intent. A lot has been written about the National Letter of Intent, enough that most fans understand the basic premise: An athlete signs the NLI, gets an athletic scholarship for a year, and agrees to attend the school. But […]

Posted in Bylaw Blog, Bylaws

Chronicle of Higher Ed Details Big Ten SAF Spending

The NCAA’s $75 million Student Assistance Fund is one of the shining examples of the NCAA, almost unimpeachable. It is the easiest thing to point to if you want to argue that the NCAA will do college athletics better than anyone else. Compare it to the BCS and whatever will follow, which earmarks exactly $0 […]

Miami Investigation Scandal Raises Ethical and Legal Questions

In what is a fairly shocking turn in an already shocking case, an NCAA investigator is defending the tactics used by the enforcement staff in the Miami/Nevin Shapiro case. Critically, the investigator claims that this is about NCAA policy at most, nothing more: This NCAA investigator, who demanded anonymity, raised a different angle to that […]

Southern Miss Coaches Receive Long Show-Cause Orders

The NCAA today released the public report of a major infractions case involving the Southern Mississippi men’s tennis program. The case involved just the one team and mostly centered around one athlete on the team, but resulted in a charge of failure to monitor for the institution as well as long show-cause orders for the […]

NCAA Rule Changes Will Increase Signing Day Hoopla

Signing Day is a week away, so we are likely to get the annual flood of articles and blog posts arguing about the spectacle. Some will say Signing Day and the attention lavished on recruits who have done nothing in college is another moral failing of modern American society. Others will counter that it is […]

Penn State Needs to Keep Recruited Walk-Ons Nonrecruited

ESPN’s Josh Moyer has an excellent article about Penn State’s walk-on program, or “run-on” program as head coach Bill O’Brien has dubbed it. The walk-ons have taken on an increased importance with the sanctions levied against Penn State and the severe scholarship crunch the team will be operating under over the next few years. That […]

Solving the NCAA’s Jersey Issue

The NCAA has a problem. Not a big problem, although there are a few of those right now. This is just a little problem. But it is the type of highly visible yet unimportant issue where the NCAA takes unnecessary criticism and which distracts time and attention from more important debates. The problem this time […]

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