NCAA Student Athlete Certification Report. Initial Eligibility Report
III: Division 1 Initial Eligibility Regulations
Graduation from high school. Certification decisions are not final until after the Clearinghouse receives and reviews a final transcript, including proof of graduation. Please make sure that the school and date of graduation are correct on your report. If any of the information is wrong, then write to the Clearinghouse.
Side 2:
Listed on side two of your report are the core courses and grades the Clearinghouse used in your certification decision. Only courses that meet the NCAA definition of a core course can be used; therefore, this is not a complete transcript. The information below will help you review the list of courses: Converting nonstandard grading scales, as required by the NCAA, the Clearinghouse uses a standard grading system to calculate your NCAA GPA (A = 4.00, B = 3.00, C = 2.00, D = 1.00, F = 0.00). If a high school uses a different grading system, grades have been converted to the equivalent letter grade (A, B, C, D, F) based on the information provided by the high school. No special values are allowed for “+” or “-” grades (e.g., A+, A, and A- all convert to 4.00 points).
The NCAA GPA includes additional points, if any, that the high school assigns to advance or honors courses as documented by the high school and listed on the Approved List of Core Courses (formerly Form 48H) and noted as such on the transcript (not added in class rank).
Each letter grade (A, B, C, D, F) is assigned the corresponding value (4, 3, 2, 1, 0). That value is multiplied by the course unit (1.0 unit = 1 full year, 0.5 unit = 1 semester or ½ year, 0.33 unit = 1/3 year, 0.25 unit = ¼ year). The result is the quality points earned in the course (e.g., “B” for 1 semester = 3.0 * 0.5 = 1.5 quality points).
The NCAA GPA is computed by dividing your total quality points by your total course units.
Review the courses listed on Side 2 of your report. If the list does not seem complete, ask yourself the following questions:
If you attended more than one school in grades 9 through 12, did you ask every school to send an official transcript to the Clearinghouse? Your current school may provide a transcript from a previous school only if it is an attested copy of the original transcript from your previous school.
You can probably tell from the course listed whether a transcript is missing. If you have not yet reached the required number of course units in a particular sport area, review the course you are currently taking and estimate the grades you expect to receive in those courses.
When you add those to the course listed, do you think it is reasonable to expect that you will have achieved the required course units? If you have taken more than the required number of courses in a subject area, are any courses not listed? Extra course have been included only if the grades you earned in those courses improve your calculated NCAA GPA. Therefore, it is correct that extra courses in a subject area are not listed when the grades you earned in those courses are lower than your NCAA GPA.
All courses are listed under the corresponding subject area (e.g., all English courses listed under English). The highest grades you earned in English are used first to meet the English requirement; any English course remaining after meeting that requirement is then used to meet the requirement for “additional academic core course.” If you need assistance understanding the NCAA initial eligibility requirements, or you need help comparing your 48C to your transcript and/or your current classes, share a copy of your 48C and this explanation with your high school counselor, or talk to officials at the college or university recruiting you.
Eligibility Codes
“T” Codes Involve Test Scores:
The Clearinghouse has not received any ACT scores for you; or if you graduated in 1995 or earlier, your highest possible ACT composite scores less than the required minimum of 17; or if you graduated in 1996 or later, your highest ACT sum of scores is less than 68. A sum score of less than 68 is insufficient if you have only 13 core courses.
The Clearinghouse has not received any SAT scores for you OR you highest possible SAT total score is less than the required minimum of 700 (if you tested April 1995 or after). A score of less than 820 is insufficient if you have only 13 core courses.
“C” Codes Involve Core Courses:
Only a course which meets the NCAA definition of a core course and which is listed on your transcript and on the Approved List of Core Courses (formerly Form 48H) for the school where the course is taught can be used for initial eligibility certification. The appropriate “C” code will appear even if you have not yet successfully completed:
The required three years of English core courses.
The required two years of Math core courses.
The required two years of Social Science core courses.
The required two years of Natural or Physical Science core courses.
One year of laboratory science if offered by your high school
The required two years of additional academic core courses in any of the following areas: English, math, social science, natural or physical science, foreign language, computer science, philosophy, or non-doctrinal religion.
The required two years of additional academic core courses in English, math, or natural/physical science.
The required three years of English for Division II certification.
The required four years of English for Division I certification.
The required two years of additional academic core courses as defined in C08 above for Division II certification.
the required one year of additional academic core courses as defined in C08 above for Division I certification.
The required one year of additional academic core courses in any of the following areas: English, math, social science, natural or physical science, foreign language, computer science, philosophy, or non-doctrinal religion as defined by the 14 core courses requirement of Division I certification.
“G” Codes Involve Grade Point Average:
Your grade point average in the required 11 academic core courses (for students who graduated from high school in 1994 or before) or in the required 13 academic core courses (for students graduating from high school in 1995 or after) is currently below the required minimum of 2.00 (on a 4-point scale).
“H” Codes Involve High School Graduation:
The Clearinghouse has not yet received a copy of your final transcript. This code appears on all PRELIMINARY reports as a reminder that your certification cannot be finalized until the Clearinghouse receives and reviews a final transcript, which includes proof of graduation.
The Clearinghouse has received a copy of your final transcript, but it has not yet been processed to verify graduation or to add more courses. Processing of initial transcripts normally takes two to three weeks after receipt, depending on the time of year.
“M” Codes Involve GPA and Test Scoring Index:
Your index combination of test score and GPA does not meet the minimum requirements for Division I certification requiring 13 core academic courses.
Your index combination of test scores and GPA does not meet the minimum requirements for Division I certification requiring 14 core academic courses.
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Author: David Frank
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